36 Search Results for "sentiments"
Papagomo arrested again after proceedings in sedition trial
12 Jul 2024
KKB polls: Mature electorate chose progress over politicking, says Umno veep
12 May 2024
Those who cross 'red line' will face police action, says Saifuddin
4 Apr 2024
Anwar urges Indian community leaders to avoid extreme sentiments
21 Jan 2024
Malays will always be dominant, says Mat Sabu
15 Dec 2023
Race-based politics deterring tourists from China, claims Tiong
19 Sep 2023
Don't punish those influenced by racial sentiments, says PM
17 Aug 2023
PM: Those who perceive MACC investigations as politically motivated should look at facts
19 Jun 2023
Put aside political ideology, sentiment, prioritise state's development, says Pahang regent
28 Nov 2022
“Don’t fan racial sentiments,” urges PKR youth chief
23 Nov 2022
Mothers play a role in shaping the younger generation
8 May 2022
China: Low voter turnout in HK legco polls due to Covid-19 and anti-China sentiments
20 Dec 2021
US expert on surge of anti-Asian violence amid pandemic
4 Mar 2021
We are all agents of national unity, Muhyiddin tells Malaysians
15 Feb 2021
Ismail Sabri: SOP for Deepavali celebrations similar to previous Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Aidiladha
13 Nov 2020
Don't use racial or religious sentiments to gain votes, Shafie tells Opposition
6 Jan 2020
Dr M: Zakir Naik told not to provoke racial sentiments
21 Dec 2019
Dr M says not sure if Anwar will be in Cabinet, Anwar jokes 'I didn't apply'
23 Nov 2019
Muhyiddin: Ban on comic book due to content, not sentiments against any parties
24 Oct 2019
Azmin: Govt prepared to consider some Malay Dignity Congress demands
7 Oct 2019
Rally leaders speak up for Malay Rulers, demand justice for deceased fireman
4 May 2019
Don't be influenced by political opportunists, says Muhyiddin on “Gathering 405”
3 May 2019
Muhyiddin: Stern action against anyone who insults any religion
2 May 2019
Trouble with translation made Japanese invaders into heroes
25 Mar 2019
Anwar: Semenyih loss is a message of the rakyat's sentiments
3 Mar 2019
Umno Youth to mull sentiments on ground
16 Jan 2019
Cameron Highlands by-election to gauge people’s acceptance towards BN, says Umno deputy president
10 Jan 2019
Don't spread negative sentiments about King's resignation, warns IGP
7 Jan 2019
Guan Eng: Fight racial politics by improving the people’s economy
9 Dec 2018
Waytha, Kula berated during temple visit, ask for calm
27 Nov 2018
Zahid warns against abuse of position to fan racial sentiments
27 Nov 2018
IGP denies police were slow to handle temple riot, calls for calm as 17 arrested
26 Nov 2018
Retailers: Numbers are on the rise in consumer spending
18 Jun 2018
Fanning anti-China sentiments would not benefit Malaysia or Asean
2 May 2018
MCA Youth slams Opposition's 'usual' tactics to win polls
4 Nov 2017
RAM: Business sentiments positive for 1H2017
10 Jan 2017