About Us

TheStarTV.com is really just the next step in this long journey that we at Star Media Group (ROC 10894D) have been taking; it is a natural progression of our adaptation to the times, so to say.

In fact, we have always adapted. From our humble beginnings in Penang, to becoming Malaysia's most-read English newspaper, to being the first to venture into the then unchartered territory that is the internet, we have always responded to the challenges that was set out for us by technological advances, by political or social changes, by you.

Yes, you.

You, our dear readers, have always pushed us to try to outdo ourselves and TheStarTV.com is a result of this.

We noticed how you've been consuming more and more of our content on video. We took note when you searched for topical content, demonstrating a voracious appetite. We observed that when we lacked, you looked elsewhere.

So you could say that TheStarTV.com is really just us listening to you.

Here, you'll find all of Star Media Group's videos, gathered from the different sections and/or verticals within the group.

Most, if not all our video content, is produced in-house. We try to create content that are relevant to you as Malaysians, but at the same time, we have sourced for content from our partners outside of Malaysia so that there won't be a lack of regional or global content.

We have divided our content into broad genres or channels, but this will scale into more detailed categorisation in time. We grouped videos into programmes, so you won't have to do multiple searches for a series of topical videos. We also made sure that you'll be able to watch our videos on any device.

What all this means is that we're trying to make it easier for you to access our video content.

To put it in another way, TheStarTV.com is about ensuring that you travel with us as we continue in our journey to become "more than a newspaper, a little less than a universe".