9 Search Results for "salary increase"
Civil servants to know new, higher salaries by October, says Anwar
26 Jun 2024
BNM projects limited inflation impact from EPF Account 3 withdrawals, civil servant salary rise
17 May 2024
PM wants civil servants to maintain integrity to justify salary increase by govt
6 May 2024
Civil servants salary hike has nothing to do with KKB polls, says PM
2 May 2024
Education Ministry probing remark questioning pay hike for teachers, says Fadhlina
2 May 2024
Low salary among rank-and-file increases corruption risk, says IGP
4 Feb 2024
MCA, Insap to submit Budget 2024 recommendations to Finance Minister, says Dr Wee
6 Sep 2023
Grade for primary school headmasters, senior assistants, upgraded to maximum DG54, says PM
1 Oct 2022
Health Ministry recalling retired doctors, nurses to reinforce frontlines, says Health DG
23 Mar 2020