Proud moment for graduates
Published on 26 Jul 2018 5:36:49 PM
The University of Reading Malaysia celebrated the graduation of its second cohort of students who received their Bachelor of Science degrees as well as other graduates who completed their degrees in the United Kingdom at a ceremony held on July 21st in Johor Baru. At the event, KPJ Healthcare Bhd former managing director Tan Sri Siti Sa’diah Sheikh Bakir was awarded an Honorary Degree of Letters for her contributions.
The University of Reading Malaysia celebrated the graduation of its second cohort of students who received their Bachelor of Science degrees as well as other graduates who completed their degrees in the United Kingdom at a ceremony held on July 21st in Johor Baru. At the event, KPJ Healthcare Bhd former managing director Tan Sri Siti Sa’diah Sheikh Bakir was awarded an Honorary Degree of Letters for her contributions.